Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Your Weekend . . . (Fairy Tale Castles)

The Princess and the Pea Castle Construction

In this photo: Khoi Nguyen, Hilda M Rodriguez, Iara Bachmann
@the opening!!! :)Cheers!!!!

"Dallas Arboretum Fairy Tale Castle - The Princess and the Pea! All done!!! We were awarded the "The Most Interactive Design" cheers! This was a great challenge for us. We had to build it ourselves (by our last minute surprise)... It did not come as expect...ed... of course but I guess in the end it wasn't too bad! :-) Check our process pictures. We can't wait on the landscape design which will bring a layer of beauty and lush!!! More pictures coming!!!! and in July children will vote for the castle they like the most... one I heard wants "Shrek’s" to win (Jack and the Beanstalk little house)." -- Hilda M Rodriguez

This time I wanted to share a project I helped build back in February 2011. The Princess and The Pea Castle by NRBM is part of this one-of-a-kind exhibit that will capture the imagination of any little prince or princess and encourage literacy through classic tales like Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. Designed and built by local architecture and construction firms, this castle plus other six castles bring to life beloved stories for you and your family to enjoy. Each castle will be placed in specific locations in the gardens of the Dallas Arboretum to optimize the overall look. ‘It’s a Fairy Tale World’ from March 5 - December 31, 2011. Other featured castles include:

Beauty and the Beast by PGAL and Turner Construction
Aladdin by HKS Inc.
Rapunzel by Baez Consulting
The Little Mermaid by GHA Architects
Jack and the Beanstalk by The Beck Group
Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughter’s by Corgan Associates, Inc. and Turner Construction

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Your Weekend . . . (Retrospect 2011)

It is National Architecture Week

April 10-April 16 2011

On Saturday, I attended Retrospect 2011 sponsor by AIA Dallas @ NorthPark Center. RETROSPECT is AIA Dallas' opportunity to introduce architects and architecture to the public with over 50 display pieces in an exhibit at NorthPark Center. The exhibit further informs the public of the many endeavors of AIA Dallas and the benefits and contributions that quality design has on the built environment and many other aspects of our lives.

This year, AIA Dallas wants to be more interactive and are rolling out a new feature to the NorthPark Center exhibit called “Ask an Architect.” They will have a table set up on both weekends of the exhibit, with AIA Dallas volunteers there to answer questions from the public about architecture and hand out brochures and literature about AIA Dallas and why architecture matters. The booth hours will be 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. on Saturday April 9th and 16th and from 12 noon-4:00 p.m. on Sunday the 10th and 17th.

That’s where you come in! What would you like to ask? RETROSPECT 2011 will run from April 7th through April 17th. Its free and open to the public.

The photographs are just some of the exhibits you may find @ Retrospect 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What's Your Manifesto?

Manifestos are a powerful catalyst. By publicly stating your views and intentions, you create a pact for taking action. If you want to change the world, even in just a small way, creating a personal or business manifesto is a great place to start. Needless to say, developing a set of principles that you believe in and constantly strive to stand by is an invaluable tool.

To spark your imagination, I have posted one of my favorite manifestos below.

The Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright

Via Gretchen Rubin, we discovered this manifesto from architect Frank Lloyd Wright, written as a series of “fellowship assets” meant to guide the apprentices who worked with him at his school, Taliesin. I particularly love number 10, the idea that working with others should come naturally.

1. An honest ego in a healthy body.
2. An eye to see nature.

3. A heart to feel nature.

4. Courage to follow nature.

5. The sense of proportion (humor).

6. Appreciation of work as idea and idea as work.

7. Fertility of imagination.
8. Capacity for faith and rebellion.

9. Disregard for commonplace (inorganic) elegance.

10. Instinctive cooperation.

What's your Manifesto?

My Manifesto is composed of three simple sentences:

1. "Our essential purpose is to become the best version of Ourselves"
2. "Wisdom is knowing what to do next, Skill is knowing how to do it, And virtue is doing it.
3. "Listen with the night falling we are saying thank you”

These sentences remind me daily to:

1. live with one sole purpose - to be my best
2. wisdom, skill, and virtue are steps that lead to progress and success
3. gratitude it’s a must have

Do you have a personal manifesto that you’d like to share?

How about a manifesto that you’ve always admired?

Monday, April 4, 2011


10 lessons for young designers by John C Jay of Wieden+Kennedy

Some insightful lessons from Wieden+Kennedy’s Executive Creative Director, John C Jay. Although focused from a design perspective, I feel that these lessons would apply just as well for anyone working within the creative industry. Via AIGA.

1: Be authentic. The most powerful asset you have is your individuality, what makes you unique. It’s time to stop listening to others on what you should do.

2: Work harder than anyone else and you will always benefit from the effort.

3: Get off the computer and connect with real people and culture. Life is visceral.

4: Constantly improve your craft. Make things with your hands. Innovation in thinking is not enough.

5: Travel as much as you can. It is a humbling and inspiring experience to learn just how much you don’t know.

6: Being original is still king, especially in this tech-driven, group-grope world.

7: Try not to work for stupid people or you’ll soon become one of them.

8: Instinct and intuition are all-powerful. Learn to trust them.

9: The Golden Rule actually works. Do good.

10: If all else fails, No. 2 is the greatest competitive advantage of any career.

Source edwinhimself.com

Friday, April 1, 2011

27: a journey through contemporary architecture in europe

27: a journey through contemporary architecture in europe from FatCat Films on Vimeo “27” is a joint venture between a filmmaker, two architects and a designer. They travel together to meet people engaging in the process of making the Europe of tomorrow. “27” is a journey into the heart of contemporary European architecture, under a permanent state of mutation. 27countries, 27 cultures, 27 architects build according to their own rules, and their own history while giving contribution for the construction of a common space : Europe. -- It would be great to complete a film like this on the Americas.
